Well, gak sengaja edit tampilan blog tanpa mempersiapkan back up. Alhasil bentuknya jadi gak karuan, gak tahu kenapa. Butuh waktu berjam-jam dalam artian bisa seharian buat ngaturnya, ganti wedgetnya, atur ulang wedget yang udah gak berfungsi sebagaimana semestinya. and because I'll be busy for a while, so I can't fix it right now, maybe next time or when I don't have anything to do. so I will let it just like this for a while... Maaf atas kedidaknyamanannya... well... See you next time.
jujur saya juga gak tahu kapan karena basic saya bukan komputer dan pemprograman, dan saya membuat ini secara otodidak,,, so I need so much effort to start learn it right from the start.... I can imagine how difficult it will be for me..... hiks...hiks...
Note : Maaf, bahasa yang digunakan gado-gado alias campur jadi satu. But as I always say,, Up to me, I regard it as a practice to be better. so many mistake in tenses, but you know, I am in the middle of learning, so just be patient with my writing. I can't speak English well, but it's not bad too. just average like other people, just simple word that can understand easily, so I wanna improve it tough just a little. if I have mistakes, please correct me.... Sankyu
jujur saya juga gak tahu kapan karena basic saya bukan komputer dan pemprograman, dan saya membuat ini secara otodidak,,, so I need so much effort to start learn it right from the start.... I can imagine how difficult it will be for me..... hiks...hiks...
Note : Maaf, bahasa yang digunakan gado-gado alias campur jadi satu. But as I always say,, Up to me, I regard it as a practice to be better. so many mistake in tenses, but you know, I am in the middle of learning, so just be patient with my writing. I can't speak English well, but it's not bad too. just average like other people, just simple word that can understand easily, so I wanna improve it tough just a little. if I have mistakes, please correct me.... Sankyu